Donations can be made to political candidates in various amounts. The FEC regulates these donations, and individual groups, excluding PACs, must disclose donations over $250 per year.
The following table lists the contributions made to Meg Gorman's campaign from the beginning of the year through August 17.
2020 contributions to Meg Gorman's campaign
Date | Amount | Contributor |
2020-05-22 | $250 | Sean Caskie |
2020-05-23 | $500 | Daniel Kennedy |
2020-05-25 | $500 | Marjorie Lee Hendrix |
2020-05-25 | $2,800 | Tim Gorman |
2020-05-31 | $2,800 | Allison Gorman |
2020-06-02 | $250 | George Thomas |
2020-06-03 | $250 | Frank Eaton |
2020-06-06 | $1,000 | Phillip Lawson |
2020-06-07 | $1,000 | Kenneth Cohen |
2020-06-20 | $250 | Kim Gorman |
2020-06-29 | $2,800 | Allison Gorman |
2020-06-29 | $100 | Daniel Kennedy |
2020-06-29 | $250 | Edwin J. Banasiak |
2020-06-29 | $250 | Jacqueline Gregory |
2020-06-29 | $2,800 | Norma Mills |
2020-06-29 | $5,600 | Olan Mills II |
2020-06-29 | $2,800 | Tim Gorman |
2020-06-30 | $100 | Daniel Kennedy |